Greenwich Watch
Home of Neighbourhood Watch in the Royal Borough of Greenwich

Romance Fraud - The facts
বুধ ১০ ফেব
We are delighted to confirm that DI Jackson from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau will be our guest speaker

Time & Location
১০ ফেব, ২০২১, ৬:০০ PM – ৭:৩০ PM
About the event
Greenwich Watch (Greenwich Neighbourhood Watch Network for the Royal Borough of Greenwich) are delighted to be able to bring this special seminar about Romance Fraud and are equally excited to confirm our guest speaker presenting this evening is Detective Inspector Steve Jackson from the Intelligence Development Team within National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB).
Steve has over 27 years’ service with City of London Police. A career detective in various roles, for the last couple of years Steve has been working in NFIB, heading up the national policing response to Courier Fraud, Romance Fraud and more recently Investment Fraud.
Coincidently, Steve is a former resident of Greenwich and keen follower of Charlton Athletic FC…
Coinciding with Valentine’s Day - next week Steve & his specialist dating fraud team will feature in the start of 10 new episodes on the prime time, critically acclaimed BBC 1 TV show For Love or Money, presenting alongside Kym Marsh, Ashleigh John-Baptiste and resident counter fraud anchor man Matt Allright.
Steve will share with you unique insights of Dating Fraud; including background; international dynamic, scale, harm & loss…with the ultimate aim of educating and preventing you and others from becoming victims of this criminality through awareness…
১ ঘন্টা ৫ মিনিটMain Presentation
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